If you own a French Bulldog, you likely already know the answer to this question. However, if you don’t own a French Bulldog, you might think this is the most random, off-the-cuff question you’ve ever heard.

Of course, Frenchies can’t talk . . . they’re dogs!

At least, that’s what you want to believe.

In fact, as with many animals of suitable intelligence, Frenchies can communicate quite well. Of course, this isn’t to say that they’re able to start speaking the Queen’s English – although that would surely be a surprise – they can still get their point across.

Frenchie Speech

Sick French Bulldog

As mentioned, Frenchies can talk, but not with words. French Bulldogs are a very vocal breed, from grunts to barks to growls to whimpers . . . your French Bulldog will likely run the gamut of sounds.

They might even make some sounds that are weird enough to be new and unique.

Indeed, Frenchies will talk a lot, enough so that you’ll dream for them to either be quiet or to figure out how to transfer their “words” into the English language. Unfortunately, neither of those are likely to happen anytime soon.

So, how does your Frenchie speak?

French Bulldog Body Language

French Bulldog Xray
Without words, your Frenchie has to make do with other options open to them. One of the big ones – and that can be seen in many dog breeds – is through body language. If your dog is feeling affectionate and loving, they might bump up against you or sniff your ankles.

Alternatively, if your Frenchie is displeased, they might keep their distance or maybe even growl at you!

French Bulldogs are an extremely communicative breed that likes to make their thoughts known. You just have to take the time to understand what they’re trying to say – this shouldn’t be so hard, considering they’re so good at presenting what they need to say.

French Bulldog Facial Expressions

French Bulldog Xray
Studies have shown that French Bulldogs are intelligent enough to manipulate their facial expressions. Whether this means they will widen their eyes more than normal, or frown pitifully, Frenchies are one of the breeds that can easily manipulate the heartstrings.

This is another tactic that they can use to talk to you. Through facial expressions and inference, you should be able to understand clearly what your Frenchie is trying to tell you, even if you’re only half paying attention.


French Bulldog Xray
The biggest one for French Bulldogs is the actual sounds they make. They have a wide range of sounds that denote emotions like anger, sadness, fear, joy, excitement, warning, etc.

They can use the various sounds they can make to instantly tell you how they’re feeling, so long as you’re paying attention to your dog.

This is the most common and impactful way your Frenchie will talk to you, so make sure you’re keeping an eye on them when they get to chatting.


Your Frenchie loves you and supports you – it just doesn’t have the means to tell you via human speech.

Having said that, your French Bulldog might have a lot to say at the end of a long day. It’s up to you to make sure you’re listening!