Considering we’ve just rolled into December, it might seem as if the hot weather will never return. You’ve likely started dreaming about beaches and fun tropical vacations just to get away from the cold and gloomy weather outside.

But before you buy your tickets to Cabo, spare a quick thought to your furry French Bulldog friend.

As much as you might want those summer months to return and bring the heat, your French Bulldog is likely wishing the exact opposite.

The reason for this is that French Bulldogs, along with many other small dog breeds, struggle to remain cool in extremely hot weather.

Dogs – Internal Cooling

Sick French Bulldog
In general, dogs will drink a lot of water. The reason for this is that water – and extreme amounts of panting – are the only ways that dogs can cool themselves off.

Thus, when dogs are running around and playing with each other, their mouths are constantly open and they’re constantly panting to keep themselves from overheating.

However, breeds like the French Bulldog aren’t able to do that.

French Bulldogs Lack An Internal Cooler

French Bulldog Xray
French Bulldogs – and other similar breeds – have small noses and short airways, which makes it hard for them to stay healthy and cool in hot and humid weather.

Heat tends to make all dogs uncomfortable, but it can go past that when it comes to French Bulldogs… it can even be fatal in them if they’re left unsupervised in extreme temperatures.

Presumably, you don’t want your pet to go onto his next great adventure sooner than necessary, so make sure to keep your French Bulldog indoors and in heavily ventilated areas to make sure he stays healthy and alive.

Many veterinarians tell pet parents to keep dogs of the Bulldog variant inside when it is 85 degrees or warmer outside. Because of their inability to efficiently pant and cool as easily as other dog breeds, they tend to overheat.

What Can You Do?

As with all dogs, there are ways that you can keep your dog cool so that he’ll still be able to bring you and your family years and years of joy.


This might seem odd on this list, but just like humans, dogs are prone to burning! Dogs can get sunburnt, which will only prove to overheat them faster. If you’re going to be forced to take your dog outside in extreme temperatures, make sure to keep him as protected from the sun’s rays as possible.

Always More Water

Because French Bulldogs can’t regulate their temperature as well as other breeds, it’s much more important for them to have access to constant water. The cooler the water, the better.

If this means you need to carry around a small cooler or insulated water bottle to be able to provide your French Bulldog with cool water, that’s what you need to do.

It is of paramount importance that you assist your dog in the way genetics has failed him by providing him with water that will cool him down.

Stay Inside

This may seem obvious, but if it’s extremely hot outside, you’re not going to want to take your dog out there. Unless it’s an absolute emergency, it’s best to focus on the fact that French Bulldogs are inside pets.

They may whine and complain about wanting to go outside – and they need to go outside and exercise – but make sure it’s not during the hottest portions of the day.

If they have to go outside, make sure they have access to water and shaded areas to help keep them cool.

Check His Mannerisms

Dogs have great indicators that can tell you if something is wrong. If your dog starts acting out of the ordinary after a long time outside, he might be suffering from heatstroke.

Make sure to give him water and take him to the vet as soon as possible so that the vet can help you determine if it’s very serious.


Heat and French Bulldogs don’t mix very well. If you want to keep your French Bulldog healthy and whole for years to come, you’ll minimize how often he’s able to go outside in the scorching heat.

Take care of your dog if you love him, and make sure to keep him cool!