Health issues are something that every dog owner is concerned with. French Bulldogs are no exception to this rule, and they have a few health problems in particular that are worth discussing. In this blog post, we will talk about the most common health issues for French Bulldogs and ways to avoid them. We’ll also discuss how long French Bulldogs live on average (spoiler alert: not very long!) and their breathing habits- do they need frequent vet checkups?

Read on below!

Common Health Problems In French Bulldogs

Sick French Bulldog
There are several different health problems that French Bulldogs may face. One common issue is patellar luxation, making it difficult for them to walk on slippery surfaces or climb stairs without pain in their back and legs. This problem can be managed with surgery or physical therapy (depending on the severity), but there’s no way to 100% prevent this condition from occurring.

Other disorders such as hypothyroidism are more complicated because they don’t have an apparent cause, so owners might not notice if one of these conditions starts affecting their dog until it becomes severe enough for the vet to diagnose it. We’ll talk about some ways you can identify diseases like congestive heart failure and seizures below!

Congestive heart Failure In French Bulldogs

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Some of the signs of CHF in French Bulldogs include:

  • increased breathing rate and heart rate
  • decreased activity level or willingness to move around more than usual (in a French Bulldog, this means they are usually happy and spunky)
  • episodes of coughing, often accompanied by difficulty in breathing due to fluid buildup.

CHF is different from congestive lung disease because the weight gain isn’t as extreme with these dogs- it’s not uncommon for them to lose weight while being diagnosed with congestive heart failure!

Typical causes: The most common factor contributing to congestive heart failure in Bulldogs is a congenital disability called subvalvular pulmonary stenosis, which affects the lungs’ ability to get enough oxygenated blood through.

Seizures In French Bulldogs

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Some of the signs of your French Bulldog having a seizure would be:

  • The jerking or twitching of facial muscles.
  • Flashing lights, rapid-fire images in the dog’s eyes.
  • They were paddling their legs and collapsing on one side with stiffening limbs (usually lasts for 30 seconds).

Some other symptoms that might be noticed are Salivation, drooling; loss of consciousness, paralysis of urinary tract and bowels; cessation of breathing, resulting in cardiac arrest if not treated immediately!

Prevention And Treatment Of Seizures In French Bulldogs:

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It is essential to understand what triggers seizures so they can be avoided as much as possible. The most common trigger seems to be heatstroke, but it all depends from case to case; some dogs have seizure triggering for no apparent reason at all.

In Conclusion

It is wise always to keep an eye on your French Bulldog. If there are signs and symptoms of anything out of the ordinary, it is best to get them checked out at a vet as soon as possible. Most issues can be managed if they are caught soon enough.