How Much Do French Bulldogs Cost?

How Much Do French Bulldogs Cost?

Are you thinking about buying a French bulldog? Well, first you need to consider every factor involved in the costs.

French bulldogs are rare. Let’s get that clear from the beginning. Because of the difficulty in birthing and raising these canines, the costs for ownership goes up extensively.  With this rarity, it’s easy to acquire unhealthy pets as well. There are many other facts which govern the cost of the French bulldog.

This Loveable pup

homeheroMost recently, French bulldogs rose to 4th place in the Kennel club rankings. That’s quite an increase from the former 9th place ranking.  You can see from the numbers that French bulldog popularity is constantly rising. This is because most people view the French bulldog as the perfect companion.

I could give you the short answer of how much French bulldogs cost, but just like their lifespan, the costs depend on different factors and it couldn’t possibly be an accurate number. On average, however, healthy registered French bulldogs can cost from $2000 to as high as $100,000. That’s quite a difference, isn’t it?

Regardless, French bulldogs are hard to resist, with their loveable nature and fun companionship. This means they are coveted by hundreds even thousands of people. So, let’s delve into what decides the various costs for this dependable canine.

Location factors

Depositphotos 76083675 xl 2015 webFrench bulldog costs vary widely according to location. There are different costs across the nation and other countries. In the United States, the French bulldog can be purchased at a rather high price due to its popularity, with some exceptions in other countries, of course.

On the other hand, you can also find rather affordable French bulldogs sold by breeders at between $1400 and $1600. If you factor in travel costs, this can also vary. For instance, if you purchase a French bulldog from your own state, you save additional transportation costs, verses high travel costs to other states across the nation. Keep in mind, French bulldogs cannot fly on planes or in the cargo area, so automobile travel will be necessary.  This may limit the area of the breeder you wish to use. These are just some of the factors that must be weighed before you understand how much French bulldogs cost.

Also, if there many breeders in your location, you may get a bargain where otherwise you would pay full price. Likewise, if demand is high and supply is low, you will pay a higher price for the French bulldog. It may be wise to check supply and demand in different locations as well and weigh against travel costs.

French bulldog colors

internalheader mobileIf you want to choose the affordable route, the common color French bulldog would be your best choice. Common colors include brindle, pied, cream, and black. These French bulldogs cost, on average of around $1500. Although some are lower or as high as $2000.

Less common colors bring higher prices. This is especially true for “unicorn” or rare colored pups. These rare colors include hues like lilac or purple colored frenchies. If you’re after a certain color or gender,

you’re definitely going to fork out at least a few extra hundred for your pup. Some of these rare color French bulldogs may even cost upwards of $8000. That’s just an average estimate as well.

Registered French bulldogs

If you’re interested in buying a French bulldog with registered papers, you should consider purchasing your pup from an AKC registered kennel. With this option you can avoid any chance of buying from a puppy mill.

You can find AKC registered French bulldog puppies for adoption at rescue networks too, although this is more rare than common. Most of the French bulldog puppies for adoption at rescue networks are rescued from the mills for a better life. Either way, if you purchase a pure breed French bulldog, you must register your pet with the AKC, and this can cost as much as $150 just for the paperwork alone.

Rescue pups

Depositphotos 286010978 xl 2015 webEvery dog needs a chance at a good life, wouldn’t you agree?  Have you ever considered French bulldog puppies for adoption? There are around 4,000 rescue French bulldogs in the nation who are awaiting adoption, and many who are fit to make great pets. Pet adoption is an honorable way to enjoy owning a French bulldog and give a needy pet a home. Fees vary, of course, when it comes to French bulldogs for adoption.

The lowest pet adoption fee for French bulldogs is between $250-$500, even up to $750. This still may be expensive to some who really want to purchase this pet breed, but you must remember that the demand for French bulldogs is high. Most rescue networks must charge premium costs. Plus, Rescue networks usually include spaying or neutering with the cost of the pet adoption.

Why are French bulldogs so costly?

One of the reasons why French bulldog cost so much is because of their birthing complications, as mentioned before and overall maintenance. Most French bulldog puppies must be delivered by C-section because natural birth can be risky for the mother and the puppy. This additional cost of care for the breeder will reflect in how much the purchase price will be for you.

Additional costs

French bulldog costs don’t stop after purchase. In fact, due to the many problems associated with this breed, costs will continue through the canine’s life. If you want to know how much French bulldogs cost, you will need to research costs of various healthcare, medications and maintenance of your pet or the French bulldog you’re interested in purchasing.

Health issues

Speaking of health, the French bulldog can endure many illnesses or diseases. This includes genetic predispositions as well. These problems can cost owners thousands of dollars in care and veterinarian bills. Here are few conditions that also contribute to how much French bulldogs cost.


French bulldog allergies can become extremely expensive for one huge reason. With allergies, it can take quite a while to understand the causes of the allergic reactions. This means numerous veterinarian

visits, medications changes, and careful monitoring of the pet’s lifestyle. From an early age until old age, allergies can change or increase which can also increase your bill. When wondering how much French bulldogs cost, you must consider costs of allergy care.

Hip dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a mutation of the ball and socket joint either from a genetic predisposition or acquired over time. It is noticed by your pet’s strange walk. French bulldogs will also whimper in pain and refuse to do the things they did when more active. As far as treatment goes, you can help your French bulldog by keeping a healthy nutrition and active lifestyle. This strengthens the muscles around the mutation. Otherwise, surgery will be needed to correct the problem.

Brachycephalic respiratory syndrome

The cute snort and snore you recognize from the French bulldog are caused by Brachycephalic respiratory syndrome. This problem makes it more difficult for the French bulldog to breath. This condition can be improved by surgery when the pet is a baby, if you are able to afford the procedure. This is one of the contributing factors of how long the French bulldog lives.

Heat stress

All dogs can fall prey to heat stress or heat stroke. During summer, the overwhelming heat can be disastrous. For the French bulldog, however, heat stress is more common. This is because of the inability to breath properly and the way the French bulldog’s body is formed.

If your pet suffers heat stress, it may be too late to save them, if not, you will have to know exactly what to do to bring them back to good health. Beforehand, you will have to know what your pet can handle and how to provide the right environment. These precautions can become more costly than you know.

Thyroid conditions

There are two types of thyroid conditions, including hypothyroid and hyperthyroid. Hypothyroidism causes the metabolism to slow down drastically causing obesity and decrease in activity. The good part about hypothyroidism is that it does respond effectively with medication.

Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, operates in the opposite manner. It’s often caused by thyroid cancer, unfortunately. This alone can be extremely costly in order to keep your pet alive. Cancer treatments alone can be ridiculously high, not to mention costs of medication and follow-up visits to the veterinarian

Pet insurance will also be an additional cost, and trust me, you will want to keep pet insurance on your French bulldog, as they are prone to visit the veterinarian quite a bit during their lives. Just these few illnesses, issues and diseases listed above are enough to help you realize the scope of the French bulldog cost.

Is it worth it?

Basically, you must decide if the costs of owning a French bulldog are worth the trouble. Remember, even if you have the initial money to purchase the French bulldog, doesn’t mean you will have the means to take care of your pet for the rest of its life.

While, loveable, French bulldogs can be high maintenance.  This is one of the largest factors to consider in costs. You must look ahead, do your research, and then understand the truth about how much French bulldog’s costs. Only then can you plan for your new pet and your new life. Trust me, the French bulldog will definitely change your perspective.