There are many people who love French bulldogs, and there are also many people who prefer English bulldogs. But what is the difference between these two breeds? They both have a lot of personality, but they come in different shapes and sizes. The French bulldog was bred to be a companion dog for the upper class while the English bulldog was bred to help farmers with their livestock duties. Let’s take a look at some other differences between these two types of dogs!

The most noticeable distinction between both of these breeds is their appearance. English bulldogs tend to be much larger in size than the Frenchie. This is because they were bred to help farmers with their livestock, and the size of a bulldog’s head can be useful when trying to handle animals. Frenchie’s are smaller in size because they were bred for companionship purposes instead of farm work.
Breed Characteristics:

Both breeds have equally strong personalities but come from different backgrounds. English Bulldogs are more prone to display stubbornness and aggression than French Bulldogs. French bulldogs were bred for companionship so they tend to be less aggressive and friendly in general but can still have a strong personality.

If you’re looking for a dog that is going to love everyone, then the Frenchie might not be your best bet. French Bulldogs are more selective about who they want to be friends with and tend to have a little bit of trouble dealing with unfamiliar people or dogs in their environment.
Both breeds require moderate amounts of exercise, but English Bulldog’s need it less because they’re bred for work while the Frenchie is bred as a companion dog so he’s not going to need as much.
The French Bulldog lives an average of about 11 years, while the English Bulldog only lasts for nine years on average. The reason they live longer is because they’re bred for work and have a more robust physique which can handle it better than their counterparts from across the pond.
Grooming and Bathing:

Both breeds of dogs do require regular grooming and bathing. The French Bulldog requires a little more grooming because they have slightly longer hair than English bulldogs. Both types of breeds should be bathed about twice a month and brushed weekly. It’s also important that both breeds have their teeth brushed; this will help keep their teeth healthy in later stages of life. Both breeds are known for losing teeth later in life if they haven’t been well maintained during their earlier years. This will also help keep their breath fresh, as with short snout dogs they can easily start to display foul odors from their mouth if they aren’t taken care of properly.
Which One is Better?
We can’t really say which one’s better, but depending on your lifestyle and needs you should consider what’s right for you. If you’re looking for a smaller breed we highly recommend considering the Frenchie over the English. We hope this article has been helpful in making the decision between these two breeds of dogs!