You love your Frenchie, but sometimes they can be so hyperactive that you don’t know what to do with them. They are constantly bouncing off the walls and running around like crazy. Even when you call their name, they don’t seem to hear you because they’re too busy doing something else! If this sounds like your Frenchie, then read on for some helpful tips on calm down a Frenchie.

Why Is My French Bulldog So Hyper?

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There are many reasons why your Frenchie might be so hyperactive. One of the most common is that they have too much energy, and it’s pent up inside them from not being able to get enough exercise!

Another reason could be that they’re bored because you don’t give them enough attention or playtime. A third possibility, which a veterinarian should always rule out before trying any home remedies, is an underlying medical condition such as Addison’s disease.

Is Your Frenchie Not Getting Enough Exercise?

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Often French Bulldogs are hyperactive because they aren’t getting the appropriate amount of exercise necessary. You can try walking your Frenchie more often to see if that helps with their activity level. Usually, this can work in assisting them to be calmer when inside the home.

Is Your French Bulldog Bored?

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Boredom in dogs of all breeds can only ever lead to them doing things you don’t want them to. For example, if you catch your Frenchie chewing on furniture, it’s usually due to boredom. Try and take them for walks and car rides as often as possible to keep their mental stimulation in check.

Can Medication Calm Down My French Bulldog?

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Many people opt for medication to help calm their Frenchie when it comes to behavioral issues. However, this is typically not recommended as your vet will always have better insight into the cause of the behavior. Some vets may prescribe Prozac or Valium if they believe there’s an underlying medical problem that could be triggering hyperactivity, such as separation anxiety. Still, these medications don’t work in all cases and usually come with side effects, so consult your veterinarian before deciding on a course of treatment.

Does My Frenchie Have Addison’s Disease?

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The only way to know this is to get a proper diagnosis from a licensed veterinarian. They can run tests such as a blood test or urine sample to determine the cause of your Frenchie’s hyperactivity.

What Can I Do To Calm My Frenchie Down?

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The best thing you can do is spend more time with them and make sure they get plenty of exercises, mental stimulation, restful sleep, etc. If possible, try to enroll in an obedience class that will teach you how to train your dog not to be so hyperactive! Remember, this often takes patience and persistence – it may take weeks for you to see improvements. Hyperactive French Bulldog cures! You might also want to consider dietary changes if certain foods seem to affect their behavior adversely (such as chocolate). Don’t forget about calming toys like blankets or chewie toys.

In Conclusion

You are not alone in having a hyper French Bulldog. Some of this can be treated with training, and some of this is simply the breed’s nature. The two things you can make sure of starting today are they getting enough physical and mental stimulation throughout the day.