French Bulldogs are one of the most popular breeds in the United States. Frenchie’s tend to be very people-oriented and enjoy a lot of attention from humans, which makes them great family dogs! These little guys are also known for their stubbornness, so training your French Bulldog may seem like more work than it’s worth at first. However, with some patience and these tips from a professional trainer, you will have an obedient French Bulldog in no time!

#1: Be Patient

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When first training your French Bulldog it may seem like an uphill battle. Often this is due to the amount of energy these little pooches have. It is vitally important to remain patient when training French Bulldogs. French Bulldogs will be able to pick up on your frustration if you aren’t able to remain calm during training sessions. You might consider taking a few obedience classes with your pup in order to help gain new tips and tricks for the overall training process of your Frenchie.

#2: Keep Training Fun

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French Bulldogs have a lot of energy and need mental stimulation. It is highly recommended that this breed’s training involves lots of play time in between sessions. This will allow for the dog to concentrate better during your training sessions! They also respond really well to praise and treats! When your Frenchie does something good in training, remember to praise them and give them a treat in order to get them to repeat the command until it becomes second nature for them!

#3: Be Consistent

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Consistency is key when it comes to training your Frenchie. You can’t expect your Frenchie to remember commands and obedience if it isn’t practiced on a daily basis. With a little bit of consistency this breed will pick up on what you want them to do very quickly and will repeat the process for praise from their owner and family members!

#4 Praise

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This breed specifically responds well to praise for good behavior. Remember to give them good belly rubs and talk nicely to them when they do what you have requested. This will allow them to repeat the good behavior over and over in order to keep their owners happy! They absolutely love to play so be sure to incorporate play time into your training sessions they will respond exceptionally well to this!

#5 Treats

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Like most dog breeds they will respond well to treats. If you are trying to teach them basic commands like sit, stay, lay down treats may be your best solution. Frenchie’s love two things more than anything. Play time and treats! If you can make use of both these tools you’ll have your Frenchie on their best behavior in no time at all! Remember that it’s important that the entire family follows the same training methods as to not confuse the dog.

In Conclusion

While French Bulldogs are bulldogs and can show signs of stubbornness. They can be trained with patience, consistency, and lots of extra play time! Obedience training should be a fun experience for both the owner and the dog. The more consistent the family is with training the faster and more commands the dog will learn and remember. This breed takes patience and love to train, but it is absolutely possible to train your Frenchie to be an amazing animal and companion for the entire family!