French bulldogs are a wonderful addition to any family, but they require some extra care. Do French bulldogs shed? Yes! They do indeed shed, and quite often too. That does not mean that the coat is bad or anything like that; it’s just part of being a Frenchie. In this blog post, we will discuss shedding and grooming tips for these wonderful pups so you can be prepared when your new best friend arrives at your home!

Tips for grooming your French bulldog:

Teeth Health:

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It is important to brush your French bulldog’s teeth regularly. This will help prevent tooth decay and allow for fresh breath. Frenchie’s can often have teeth that rot if they aren’t well taken care of by their owner.


Dog Fur
Regular brushing will also make grooming much easier for the owner and their dog. Brush them when they first get up in the morning before they have a chance to roll around in anything. Brush them before they go outside and brush again when they come back inside so you can remove any loose hair on their coat.


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French bulldog ears need cleaning too! Use care not to use alcohol or other chemicals as this can irritate your dog’s ear canal; instead use a cotton ball or cloth dipped in warm water.


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Another important grooming tool for your Frenchie is to trim their nails and keep them well groomed with nail clippers, this allows for Frenchie’s to not end up with long nails that can become painful to walk on.


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French bulldogs have very short hair, so bathing isn’t necessary more than twice a month. This will help keep pet dander and dirt out of their coat that could otherwise cause the owners allergies or potentially dirty furniture! It’s important to not use hot water when bathing your Frenchie as this can damage the coat and dry out their skin.


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French bulldogs require a high-quality food that meets all of their nutritional needs. A trip to the veterinarian can help determine an exact brand that will best suit the needs of your Frenchie.

Ticks and Fleas:

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French bulldog puppies are a very active breed. If they spend a lot of time outside running around it is a good idea to check them occasionally for ticks and fleas, especially if they happen to have been playing in any areas of grass. Ticks and fleas can cause a lot of irritation to the dogs skin, and can also carry diseases that can make your puppy sick.

Summer Temperatures:

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French bulldogs can overheat easily. Due to this it is recommended to keep their outdoor activity to a minimum during summer months to protect them from overheating. Allow them to have a nice cool area to rest inside once they have come back in from the heat during the summer months. If you live somewhere exceptionally hot during summer months remember to always have fresh cold water available for them! This will help regulate their body temperature and keep your dog safe and hydrated.

In Conclusion

French bulldogs do require some extra work on the part of their owner. The tips in this article will allow you to have a well groomed and safe animal in your home. If your dog ever falls sick it is important to get them seen by a vet as soon as possible. Many owners often set up regular check ups with their veterinarian and also grooming sessions at their local groomers. A happy Frenchie can be a very rewarding experience for the whole family.